
Opal meaning
Opal meaning

opal meaning


Opal shows you what your emotional state has been in the past and teaches you how to take responsibility for how you are feeling now. Opal can act as an emotional stabiliser, but the stone may scatter energy and the user needs to be well centred before using opal to explore or induce feelings, or to have other stones standing by to help integration. It is a seductive stone that intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. ​Opal has always been associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism. It is a protective stone, if you program it correctly you will become invisible and unnoticeable to others. Opal is a karmic stone sending you the message "what you put out here comes back to you three fold".

opal meaning

It picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them and then sends them back. ​Opal stimulates originality and dynamic creativity, it helps in accessing and expressing your true self. Because opal produces its colours through interference and diffraction, allow this stone to run interference for you when encountering challenging people, places or things that affect your emotions or hurt your feelings. This stone also helps protect you from too easily absorbing other people's energy, feelings, or thoughts. The high water content of opal assists you to shift your emotions through to self awareness. If you are a highly sensitive person find solace in water, have a bath, a swim, or walk along the waters edge to help clear away energy that isn't yours and replenish your energy field.

opal meaning

If you have been emotional or on the verge of tears, other peoples energy is affecting your wellbeing. It makes us emotional, seductive, unconventional, in love with life and enhances optimism. Opal strengthens desire, erotism and sexuality.

Opal meaning